Dear Friends,
The time has come when we must make a decision about whether or not to carry out the 52nd Tolosa Choral Competition (planned for 29. 10.–1. 11. 2020). After analysing the situation, and being informed by the health and government institutions, we have concluded that there are no guarantees that between now and October there will be a resurgence of the virus, with the consequent closure of borders and “quarantines”, both in Spain and on the return, in the countries of origin of the choirs. To this we should add the difficulty for the choirs to recover the money spent on airline tickets and the difficulty to rehearse in good conditions.
For all these reasons, we have decided to suspend this year’s contest and maintain, for 2021, the same regulations and obligatory works that we had planned for 2020.
The next Tolosa choral contest will be held from October 29 to November 1, 2021.
Hoping to receive your applications for 2021, we wish you all the best.